
Propsee Basic - Free

$0 for 1 year

Register for free and gain access to our exclusive email content and free PDF downloads throughout the site. This version won't give access to the customized annual maintenance plan that Propsee Premium offers.

Propsee Premium - 30 Day Trial

$0 for 1 month

Want to give it a try without signing up for a full year? Try Propsee Premium for 30 days with access to all features! No credit card needed. You'll only be asked to pay if you want to keep the features after your trial period.

Propsee Premium - 1 Year

$12 for 1 year

For a few dollars each month, you'll have a full maintenance plan customized to your own home and email reminders for each month's tasks. It will be one of the best home investments you've ever made!